66 Surprising Vaping Statistics for 2023
Vaping is a growing public health concern because of the unknown long-term health effects of using e-cigarettes and other vape products. Check out these 66 vaping statistics to see the impacts e-cigarettes and vape products have on people of all ages.

What Is Vaping?
The use of electronic cigarettes — also referred to as e-cigs, vapes, pens, dabs, tanks or mods — is known as vaping. Vaping uses an electronic delivery system for nicotine and other types of drugs, with disposable and refillable options. This includes vape pens, pods, mods and other delivery methods.
These products produce an aerosolized vapor designed to mimic cigarette smoke. The vapor is a mixture of propylene glycol, glycerin, nicotine and flavorings, and it can be inhaled and exhaled similarly to smoking.
New drugs and devices — specifically e-cigarettes and vape products — have been marketed as a cessation solution for the 30.8 million Americans who currently smoke cigarettes. However, nicotine dependence makes quitting difficult, especially when many of these devices aren’t nicotine-free.
General Vaping Statistics
Many companies and organizations have marketed e-cigarettes and vaping products as safer than normal cigarettes, though vaping can still lead to various health concerns.
- Those younger than age 50 are more likely to use e-cigarettes. (Gallup)
- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not found any e-cigarette or vaping product to be safe or effective in helping smokers quit. (National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine)
- Many e-cigarettes and vapes are small and shaped like flash drives and other concealable devices. (The New England Journal of Medicine)
- E-cigarette use and vaping among youth and young adults is a public health concern. (CDC)
- Vaping products are frequently used as the delivery method for other types of drugs, including cannabinoids. (CDC)
More than 7,700 e-cigarette flavors exist. (
TobaccoFreeKids.org) - Most vapes contain anywhere from 0.5% to 5% nicotine. (National Library of Medicine). However, there is no consensus in the way nicotine strength is reported on product labels or in studies.
- 70% of employees agree that workplace vaping is harmful. (EX Program

Vaping Health Effects
Breathing in any type of chemical can negatively affect health and wellness. Even e-cigarettes and vape products that don’t contain nicotine can affect a person’s health.
- Chemicals produced by e-cigarettes — including acetaldehyde and formaldehyde — can cause lung and cardiovascular disease. (National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine)
- Acrolein can cause acute lung injury and COPD. (National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine)
- E-cigarette emissions can create a chemical cocktail that is dangerous to bystanders. (National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine)
- Nicotine exposure can lead to addiction and, if used early enough in cognitive development, brain damage. (CDC)
- Swallowing, eye or skin exposure to and breathing in e-cigarette liquid can cause acute nicotine poisoning. (CDC)
- Vitamin E acetate led to an outbreak of e-cigarette and vaping-associated lung injuries, or EVALI, in 2019 and 2020. (CDC)
- People who vape are 56% more likely to have a heart attack and 30% more likely to have a stroke. (UnityPoint Health)
- Young adults between the ages of 18 and 34 are affected by EVALI more than any other age group. (The New England Journal of Medicine)
- E-cigarette smoke can cause health risks such as lung adenocarcinomas and bladder urothelial hyperplasia. (PNAS)
- Some e-cigarette and vape product users have experienced seizures. (FDA)

Vaping Popularity Statistics
Vaping is popular, but who is contributing to the rise of e-cigarette use and what factors are increasing their popularity?
These vaping popularity statistics answer these questions and provide additional context around this activity.
- Adults with no formal college education are more likely to vape than those with any amount of college education. (Gallup)
- 72% of e-cigarette shares are owned by JUUL, making it the favored vape product. (Tobacco Control)
- High school students are more likely to use e-cigarettes or vape products than middle school students. (FDA)
- Puff Bar is the most popular disposable vaping device. (WSJ The Journal)
- More than 10% of teens claim to vape because it makes them look cool. (National Institute on Drug Abuse)
- 82.9% of teen and young adult e-cigarette users use flavored products when vaping. (Tobacco Free Kids)
- Between July 2021 and June 2022, almost 800,000 teens tried vaping for the first time. (Truth Initiative)
- 27.6% of high school e-cigarette users report that they use vape products every day. (Truth Initiative)
Teen Vaping Statistics
With different flavor options, more affordable prices and concealable shapes and designs, e-cigarettes and vape products are designed with teens in mind. Even though the legal buying age in the U.S. is 21, marketing focuses on teens and young adults.
Nicotine use in teens is harmful to parts of the brain that control impulses, mood and learning, all areas in which some teens may already struggle.
These teen vaping statistics shed light on what has become a public health concern.
- Teens and young adults are more likely to use fruit-flavored vape pods. (National Institute on Drug Abuse)
- E-cigarette use by teens doubled between 2017 and 2019. (National Institute on Drug Abuse)
- About 20% of 12th graders have reported vaping marijuana. (National Institute on Drug Abuse)
- 60% of teens claim to use e-cigarettes or other vaping devices because they want to experiment. (National Institute on Drug Abuse)
- The most popular tobacco product utilized by high schoolers is e-cigarettes. (CDC)
- More than 2.5 million teens and young adults reportedly use vape products or e-cigarettes. (USA Today)
- Teens who vape are more likely to become general tobacco users in the future. (CDC)
81% of kids who have used a tobacco-based product started with a flavored product. (
TobaccoFreeKids.org) - In 2016, 78.2% of teens were exposed to at least one e-cigarette or vape-related advertisement. (American Academy of Pediatrics)
- Teens are 16 times more likely to use JUUL than any other age group. (Tobacco Control)

Statistics on Vaping Worldwide
There are a variety of differences in laws concerning e-cigarettes, taxes, product packaging and marketing when it comes to vape products around the world.
These statistics on vaping worldwide can provide additional context to the global crisis.
- It is estimated that 35 million people use e-cigarettes and vaping products worldwide. (eClinicalMedicine)
- Turkey banned e-cigarettes in 2008 and residents can only currently purchase vaping products online. (CASAA)
- 78 countries and jurisdictions have laws prohibiting e-cigarette marketing. (Institute for Global Tobacco Control)
- 13 countries and jurisdictions have banned the use of e-cigarettes and vaping products completely in public places. (Institute for Global Tobacco Control)
- Jamaica, Japan and Switzerland banned the sale of all e-cigarettes containing nicotine. (Institute for Global Tobacco Control)
- In the European Union, all e-cigarette and vape product packaging must contain a list of ingredients and a health safety warning. (European Commission)
- Vaping and the use of e-cigarettes in the United Kingdom is still believed to be "better" than common smoking. (Gov.UK)
Vaping Stats in the U.S.
Many organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institute on Drug Abuse agree that vaping is a dangerous activity, while others like the American Vaping Association argue vaping can help curb smoking habits.
These vaping stats in the U.S. express the United States’ differing opinions on vaping.
- E-cigarettes entered the U.S. market in August 2006. (CASAA)
- 8% of Americans report that they have vaped recently. (Gallup)
- The amount of U.S. adults who smoke and those who use e-cigarettes are nearly identical. (Gallup)
- 51.2% of American e-cigarette users are younger than 35. (Annals of Internal Medicine)
- Most states and U.S. territories tax e-cigarettes. (CDC)
- 32 U.S. states and territories have regulations concerning the product packaging of e-cigarettes and vapes. (Public Health Law Center)
- In 2012, Kansas was the first state to enact a law requiring licenses for e-cigarette retail sales. (Public Health Law Center)
- 28% of Americans quit smoking combustible products when they switched to daily vaping. (Medical Xpress)
- The use of vaping products by American teens rose 400% between 2019 and 2020. (FDA)
Statistics on Vaping Regulations
As the health effects of vaping become more clear, many jurisdictions, states, territories and countries have begun enforcing vaping regulations.
These regulations can affect the buying and selling of vape products, as well as taxes, marketing, packaging and more.
- On Jan. 1, 2020, the minimum age for purchasing tobacco products — including e-cigarettes — became 21. (Congress.gov)
- E-cigarettes were first regulated in 2016 when the Child Nicotine Poisoning Prevention Act was enacted. (American Academy of Pediatrics)
- A photo ID is required to purchase vape products until age 27. (American Academy of Pediatrics)
- An FDA policy prohibits companies from selling vape pods in flavors other than tobacco or menthol unless otherwise approved. (FDA)
- All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands all have laws prohibiting e-cigarette sales to underage people. (CDC)
- By September 2020, companies sent more than 6.6 million e-cigarette and vaping product applications to the FDA. (National Cancer Institute)
- As of 2022, the FDA can regulate synthetic nicotine and nontobacco nicotine products. (FDA)

Statistics on Vaping Worldwide
It’s no secret that smoking is expensive and especially for lifelong smokers. But how does vaping compare?
These statistics about vaping costs provide an inside look into the vaping industry.
- Vaping costs less than smoking. (Vaping Facts)
- In 2023, the sale of vaping products is expected to reach $40 billion. (eClinicalMedicine)
- The median range spent on e-cigarettes and vaping products per month is $50-$75. (National Library of Medicine)
- Males spend more money on vaping products than females. (National Library of Medicine)
- Those using e-cigarettes as a cessation device are more likely to spend less on vaping products each month. (National Library of Medicine)
- Health care expenses for all e-cigarette use costs approximately $2,024 per year. (Tobacco Control)
- On average, disposable e-cigarettes cost $20 a week, while refillable e-cigarettes and e-juice cost around $30 a week. (Alabama Cooperative Extension System)
Vaping isn’t going away anytime soon, and the health effects of these addictive products can be extremely harmful. Understanding your rights as a consumer regarding the products you purchase can help keep you protected from possible injuries.

8 Cited Research Articles
Consumernotice.org adheres to the highest ethical standards for content production and references only credible sources of information, including government reports, interviews with experts, highly regarded nonprofit organizations, peer-reviewed journals, court records and academic organizations. You can learn more about our dedication to relevance, accuracy and transparency by reading our editorial policy.
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- Alltucker, K. (2022, October 6). Survey: More than 2.5 million middle and high school students still vape, despite crackdowns. Retrieved from https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2022/10/06/teens-vape-flavored-e-cigarettes-survey-finds/8193382001/
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- Truth Initiative. (2022, June 22). New data show nearly 800,000 teens vaped for the first time in the past year, as FDA is set to announce first major decision to remove a popular e-cigarette brand. Retrieved from https://truthinitiative.org/research-resources/emerging-tobacco-products/new-data-shows-nearly-800000-teens-vaped-first-time
- UnityPoint Health. (2020, February 21). Is Vaping Bad for Your Heart? Retrieved from https://www.unitypoint.org/livewell/article.aspx?id=d020735c-bc17-46dd-84f8-bfc1adc09e48
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- Eaton, D.L., Kwan, L.Y. & Stratton, K. (2018, January 23). Public Health Consequences of E-Cigarettes. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK507191/
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