Protecting Your Health & Ensuring Your Safety
Consumer Notice is a consumer advocacy organization that informs the public about the health and safety risks associated with defective products, environmental dangers and other hazards and presents legal options to those who have been injured through the fault of another person or entity.

Learn About Potential Risks
Depo-Provera Side EffectsMeningioma (Brain Tumors)
OzempicGastroparesis, Intestinal Obstruction & Vision Loss
Baby FormulaNecrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)
Talcum PowderOvarian Cancer Or Mesothelioma
RoundupNon-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Are Chemical Hair Straighteners Safe?Cancer, Endometriosis Or Fibroids
Browse Risks by Category
Harmful ProductsToys, scooters, e-cigarettes, personal care
Drugs & DevicesKnee replacements, hernia mesh, valsartan
EnvironmentalContaminated air and water, harmful pesticides
Personal InjuryTruck accidents, motorcycle crashes, vehicle airbags
Data ProtectionIdentity theft, fraud and scams, major data breaches
Understand Your Legal Rights
Featured Active Lawsuits
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What Is Consumer Notice?
Consumer Notice is a trusted source of information on defective products, data breaches, environmental hazards and other threats to your health and safety.
Our team of accomplished writers works closely with medical experts, lawyers and advocates to create informational pages, guides and other resources to raise awareness about these important topics. Our rigorous research equips consumers with reliable information so they can make well-informed decisions. We also keep consumers abreast of the current status of lawsuits across the country and can connect them with attorneys.
Learn About UsConsumer Guides & Resources

Babyproofing Essentials
Unintentional injuries are the top cause of childhood deaths — and most of these injuries occur at home. From the bassinet to the bath, our babyproofing guide provides key information about the biggest danger zones in your home. Find out what our experts had to say about babyproofing your home and keeping your child safe.
More on Babyproofing
How Workplace Hair Discrimination Can Impact the Health of Black Women
Black girls and women have faced hair discrimination at school and the workplace. However, their use of chemical hair straighteners to conform to both spoken and unspoken rules comes at a great cost to their health: Scalp damage, pain and an increased risk of developing uterine cancer.
Black Women Hair DiscriminationCalling this number connects you with a Consumer Notice, LLC representative. We will direct you to one of our trusted legal partners for a free case review.
Consumer Notice, LLC's trusted legal partners support the organization's mission to keep people safe from dangerous drugs and medical devices. For more information, visit our partners page.